php vs 其他语言

PHP vs JavaScript 什么是PHP? PHP代表超文本预处理器,它是一种开源脚本语言。它是服务器…

PHP vs JavaScript






  • 可以在Windows,Linux,UNIX,Solaris等不同平台上执行PHP代码。
  • 它易于使用和学习。
  • PHP是一种开源语言,这意味着它是免费提供的。






  • JavaScript非常快,因为JavaScript代码可在客户端浏览器中立即执行。
  • JavaScript可以轻松嵌入HTML,AJAXXML
  • JavaScript支持所有现代浏览器,并且在所有浏览器上都提供相同的结果。
  • 如果用户忘记输入一些详细信息,它会立即向用户提供反馈。



PHP JavaScript
PHP is a server-side scripting language. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language.
PHP performs all the server-side functions like authentication, building custom web content, handling request, etc. JavaScript is designed to create an interactive web application without interacting with the server
PHP can combine with HTML only. JavaScript can combine with HTML, AJAX and also with XML.
PHP is used for back-end purpose only. JavaScript is used for both front-end and back-end.
PHP is easy to learn. JavaScript is complex to learn.
PHP is a multi-threadedlanguage, which means it blocks input/output to do multiple tasks concurrently. JavaScriptis single-threaded, i.e.,event-driven, which means it never blocks, and everything runs in concurrent order.
In PHP, the code will be available and viewed after it is interpreted by the server. A JavaScript code can be viewed Even after the output is interpreted.
It is synchronous by nature and waits for I/O operation to execute. JavaScript is asynchronous by nature and does not wait for I/O operation to execute.




  • HTML非常容易学习和实现。
  • 它不是区分大小写的语言。
  • 我们可以在任何文本编辑器(如Notepad,Notepad ++,Edit plus等)上编写HTML代码。
  • HTML与平台无关,因此可以在不同的平台上执行。
  • 它允许程序员在网页上添加颜色,音频,视频和图像。


PHP is a server-side programming language. HTML is a client-side scripting language.
PHP is used in backend development, which interacts with databases to retrieve, store, and modify the information. HTML is used in frontend development, which organizes the content of the website.
PHP is used to create a dynamic website. The output will depend on the browser. HTML is used to create a static website. The output of static website remains the same on each time.
PHP can manipulate the data. It cannot manipulate the data.
PHP code executes on web servers like Apache web server, IIS web server. HTML code executes on web browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.
PHP is scripting language. HTML is a markup language.
PHP7.3 is the latest version of PHP. HTML5.2 is the latest version of HTML.
PHP is also easy to learn but not as simple as HTML. HTML is easy to learn. It can easily learn in a very short time.
PHP files save with .php extension. HTML files save with .html extension.





  • Node.js快速且轻量级。
  • 它比PHP更安全。
  • Node.js允许我们为客户端和服务器端编写JavaScript代码。
  • Node.js具有可伸缩性,即,可以轻松地在垂直和水平方向上扩展应用程序。
  • 由于Node.js,JavaScript现在可用于每种浏览器,并且可以在每台服务器上运行。



Features PHP Node.js
Runtime Environment PHP is straightforward to install and use at server-side. PHP is straightforward to install and use at server-side.
Powered by PHP is powered by Zend engine. Node.js is powered by Google’s v8 JavaScript engine.
Execution PHP is synchronous except some APIs. It is totally asynchronous.
Framework PHP has many frameworks for easy backend development, such as Laravel, CakePHP, etc. Node.js also has popular frameworks like Express, Meteor, and DerbyJS, etc.
Execution Speed PHP execution speed is slower than Node.js. Node.js is faster than PHP and lightweight too.
Web Server PHP needs Apache web server to execute the code. Node.js doesn’t need any web server to execute. It runs in its own environment.
Compatibility with other languages PHP can contain HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and even plain text. Node.js can contain only JavaScript.
Used by Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Flickr, and WordPress, etc., are using PHP. IBM, GoDaddy, NetFlix, LinkedIn, Paypal, and Walmart are the adopters of Ndoe.js.
Complexity PHP is simpler to use than Node.js. Node.js is not too complex, but need more lines of code and callback functions.
Basic syntax echo ‘Hello PHP’; Console.log(‘Hello Node.js’);
Module A developer needs to download and install PHP manually. It doesn’t come in bundled with module. It comes prepackaged with the NPM package management system and its registry.
Performance PHP is fast, but slower than Node.js due to the database, third-party request, and file system. Node.js is faster due to its non-blocking mechanism.






  • Python是一种动态类型化的语言。
  • 它的代码易于编写和调试,因此语法非常简单明了。
  • 缩进用于代替Python的花括号。
  • 它使用没有声明的变量。
  • 我们可以使用Python用最少的代码和更少的时间来解决复杂的问题。
  • 我们可以为Windows,Linux,UNIX和Mac OS等不同平台创建Python应用程序。



PHP Python
PHP is a specialized web development programming language. Python is a general-purpose programming language.
PHP does not support multiple inheritance. Python support multiple inheritance.
PHP does not provide functional programming. Python provides functional programming techniques.
Facebook, Yahoo, Flicker, WordPress are famous applications which are using PHP. Instagram, YouTube, Google, Pinterest are some popular applications that are using Python.
PHP has a large number of frameworks. Python has less number of frameworks.
PHP is used for web development purpose. Python is widely used in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and big data analysis, etc.
There are more than 20 different databases to access. It does not support database connectivity as widely as PHP.
PHP offers fewer security features. Python is more secure than PHP.
Laravel, Code Igniter, and Symfony are the best frameworks for PHP. Django, Flask, and are the famous framework for Python.
PHP doesn?t perform multiprocessing. Python performs multiprocessing.
PHP depends for production on web servers like Apache or Nginx. Python depends on libraries like Gunicorn, Tornado, Gevent, etc.
It is more popular than Python, but it is losing traction. Python is gaining popularity because of its simplicity and ease of use.
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